Divine Mercy Sunday

04-24-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear people of God,

First of all, I express my special appreciation to all those who helped to decorate and make arrangements in our three churches for the meaningful celebration of Easter. I also thanks all those who donated for buying Easter flowers.

Today is the 2nd Sunday of Easter and with it we conclude the Octave of Easter. Again, the 2nd Sunday of Easter is also known as the ‘Divine Mercy Sunday.’


Happy Easter!

04-17-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I wish you all a happy and blessed Easter. St. Paul reminds us: For us, life is Christ, and He has risen. The tomb is empty!” We praise You, O God, and we bless You. Because, by Your holy cross, You have redeemed the world. And that is why we are here”.


Holy Week

04-10-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus,

Good morning. First of all, I thank and appreciate all the Ladies of PCCW of our Immaculate Conception, St. Lawrence and St. Boniface for arranging different meals during this Lenten season.

Today we enter into Holy week with Palm or Passion Sunday. We celebrate today the royal entry of Christ into Jerusalem in order to accomplish his paschal mystery. By freely going to Jerusalem, Christ demonstrates his humility and willingness to save us.


Receive the Power of God's Mercy

04-03-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear People of God,

Good morning to you all. We are getting close to the paschal feast. So, on this fifth Sunday of Lent, all the readings give us hope, and paint a picture of a very bright future for us.

In the first reading, God tells us of the new things he has started doing among us, and for us. He is restoring our hope, and giving us every reason to continue living. This means that in spite of the difficulties of this present moment and season, the Lord will put a smile on our faces soon. Hence, we must be positive about the future as we approach the Paschal celebration.


Seek Reconciliation with God

03-27-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus,

We have reached the fourth Sunday in our Lenten journey towards the Easter. Traditionally, it is called Rejoice Sunday (Laetare Sunday). Anticipating Easter joy, today’s readings invite us to rejoice by being reconciled with God through repentance and the confession of our sins and by celebrating our coming home to be with our loving and forgiving God.


We learn from the failures of our ancestors

03-20-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear People of God,

Good morning to you all. We remember today (03-19-2022) St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He was a righteous , humble, hard working and responsible man in the Holy family of Jesus. May our mighty God bless all our families through the intercession of St. Joseph. On this third Sunday of Lent, our central theme today is repentance. Repentance is, feeling sorry for the sin we committed, and a firm resolve not to deliberately commit it again. Sincere repentance provokes God’s compassion, mercy and love.


The Transfiguration

03-13-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear Friends,

Good morning to you all. In last week’s Gospel, we followed Jesus into the desert where He fasted and prayed. This week, He leads us up a mountain to witness His Transfiguration. Why? He is preparing us to go with Him in a few short weeks to a hilltop, Golgotha, where He will lay down His life for our sake — and finally to take us to an empty cave where He triumphed over sin and death once and for all.


Our Journey Toward Salvation

03-06-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear Friends,

From Ash Wednesday, we have begun the season of Lent. Lent is a favorable time for personal and community renewal, as it leads us to the paschal mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It a special time of God’s love and forgiveness. It is also a special journey for purification and enlightenment for every Christian as each person needs cleansing and healing.


The Gospel Guides our Words & Actions

02-27-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Good morning to you all. On this eight Sunday of ordinary time, the readings exhort us to form ourselves in imitation of Christ so we can better reflect His goodness in our daily lives.

The first reading from Sirach offers timeless counsel: “the fruit of a tree shows the care it has had: so too does one’s speech disclose the bent of one’s mind. Praise no one before he speaks.” Jesus uses the very same analogy in today’s Gospel reading from Luke. “A good tree does not bear rotten fruit, nor does a rotten tree bear good fruit. For every tree is known by its own fruit.” Jesus explains, “A good person out of the store of goodness in his heart produces good… for from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks.”


Essential Virtues of our Christian Life

02-20-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear people of God,

Good morning to you. The reading of this seventh Sunday of ordinary time reminds us of the essential virtues of our Christian life. They are Mercy and compassion, love of God and neighbor, self-control and appreciation of values, moral responsibility, awareness of sin and and the sense of the sacredness.


Trust in God

02-13-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear people of God,

Good morning. First of all, I express my sincere thanks for your prayers and the words of condolences and those who sent me sympathy Cards on demise of my beloved Brother Benjamin (Ben). It is highly appreciated.

On this sixth Sunday of Ordinary time, the liturgy of word of God invites us to place our trust in God and in his only son Jesus Christ. Through his resurrection, Christ conquered death and strengthened our faith and hope of eternal life.


Let Us Walk with the Lord

02-06-2022Weekly ReflectionFr. Arul Doss

Dear people of God,

I express my hearty thanks to all those who helped to clean the basement of my Rectory. I also thank Immaculate conception Parish PCCW Ladies for providing a delicious lunch to those who worked there.

Today’s readings present some characters who are called to carry out a mission of proclaiming the Word of God. They all have the same reaction: they feel unworthy, incapable, inadequate.