New Opportunities in the New Year

12-31-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss

Dear People of God,

I wish you all a Prosperous and grace-filled New Year-2024. I specially thank all those who decorated the Cribs and Churches in all our three Churches. I also thank you all who participated in Christmas Masses. It was a good attendance. Also, Sincerely I am thanking you all for your wishes, prayers and Christmas Cards.


Merry Christmas

12-24-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss

Dear People of God,

First of all, I wish you a very Merry Christmas. How are all in your family? I pray at the Altar of Christ for your happiness and good health. Many more blessings of God be with you all.

There is a little difference in this year. Both the fourth week of Advent and the Christmas Eve fall on the same day. So, I would like to write here about Christmas, not about the readings of fourth week of Advent.


Diocesan Annual Appeal 2023-2024

12-17-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss

May the Lord give you peace! Again, we are prayerfully beginning the diocesan annual appeal. Last year, it was included in the Inspired by the Spirit Capital Campaign. This year onwards, it is going to be as usual. You might have received or will be receiving a mailing about the diocesan annual appeal very soon. Please take some time to prayerfully respond to the appeal. As you know, our diocesan annual appeal is the funding source for all the diocesan offices and their activities like seminarians’ education & religious formation, Televised Mass, Mary of good help Hmong ministry and so on.


Forgive us, Lord, for we have sinned.

12-10-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss

Dear sisters and brothers,

Good morning to you all. Advent is a time of waiting in hope for our Savior. On this second week of Advent, we continue our waiting and preparation for the Lord’s coming. In today’s First Reading through Isaiah God promises comfort and forgiveness to Jerusalem. He summons their courage and invites them to look beyond their present predicament to the time of renewal and restoration. The time of exile will end. God will gather his scattered people like a shepherd gathers his lambs. Using poetic metaphors, he calls them to change and conversion. “Let every valley be filled in and every mountain and hill be laid low. The second reading encourages us to grow in holiness.


Waiting with Expectation

12-03-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss

Dear People of God,

Good morning to you all! I hope you all had a beautiful Thanksgiving. Today we begin a “new season called ‘Season of Advent’ in the new liturgical year of the Church. Advent is a season of hope and a period during which as Christians we await the fulfillment of the promise of God through his prophets. In addition to being a season of hope, it is equally, a season of patience and prayer. During these four weeks, we are expected to prepare for the birth of the messiah. It suffices to note that while we prepare physically, the most important must be the spiritual preparation.


Solemnity of Christ the King

11-26-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss

Dear People of God,

Good morning to you all. On this thirty fourth Sunday, we celebrate the solemnity of Christ the King. The Feast was established by Pope Pius XI in 1925 against the deadly influence of Secularism. The feast is intended to proclaim in a resounding and effective way, Christ’s royalty over all nations.

In the first reading of today, the Lord through prophet Ezekiel reassures us of his continuous care for us: “I am going to look after my flock myself… I shall be a true shepherd to them….” One remarkable thing about this reading is that for nine times, the personal pronoun “I” was employed. First, this is to convey God’s personal interest in his flock. Second, this was to prove his promises already fulfilled in Jesus Christ in our time.


Our Talents

11-19-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss

Dear People of God,

"The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him." (Psalm 28:7). First of all, I wish you all an Advance Happy Thanksgiving. The Thanksgiving Day gives us the opportunity to pause our lives for a day to reflect on everything we're thankful to God and surrounded by the people who matter most. As usually, there will be a Mass at St. Lawrence. You are most welcome.


Stay Awake!

11-12-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss

Dear People of God,

In the month of November, we pray in a special way for the souls of the deceased. Out of charity. Let us pray for our deceased loved ones in the hope that our prayers will assist them and carry them into Heaven.

On this 32nd Sunday, the readings remind us to be alert and ready. The first reading speaks of seeking wisdom and being ready for her at dawn.
We hear the parable of the Ten Virgins in the Gospel Reading of today.


Humility and Holiness

11-05-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss

Dear people of God,

Good morning to all. On the first day of ‘November’, we celebrated “All Saints Day”. On this day, we remember all the victorious people. Central to All Saints' Day is the belief in the bond between the living and the heavenly. Recognizing and thanking the saints, known and unknown, is paramount. It is a day marked with profound reverence in the Catholic Church. We are called to follow their footsteps and seek their intercessions in our day-today lives.


Eucharistic Rally

10-29-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss

Dear People of God, Good morning to you!

The Diocese of La Crosse is very excited to announce that a EUCHARISTIC RALLY will be held on June 7, 2024 at the La Crosse Center in La Crosse, WI. This event kicks off the six days that the Marian Route of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage will be in the Diocese of La Crosse. “The Answer” Eucharistic Rally will begin with a Eucharistic Procession across the Cameron Street Bridge in La Crosse and will end at the La Crosse Center where the rest of the rally will take place.


Give to God what is God's

10-22-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss

Dear People of God,

Good morning to you! The Confirmation for our Students is going to take place this Sunday, Oct 22 at 2:00pm at Sts. Peter and Paul in Independence, WI. You are most welcome. Also let us pray for them all.
Today, the 29th Sunday of ordinary time is World Mission Sunday. Today vast numbers of people still do not know Christ. For this reason, the mission ad gentes continues to be most urgent. All the members of the Church are called to participate in this mission. Today is a privileged moment when the faithful of various continents engage in prayer and concrete gestures of solidarity in support of the young Churches in mission land.


God's Invitation ot the Banquet

10-15-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss

Dear people of God,

Good morning to you all.! All parishioner’ Raffle Ticket packets are in the back at each church and tickets can be turned in any weekend in the collection basket or if someone is selling tickets. This year St. Boniface Parish will head up the handling of the 2023 Rectory raffle. When you write your check, please write it out to Immaculate Conception.


God's Vineyard

10-08-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss, Pastor

Dear People of God,

Good morning to all! In the month of October, we are all invited to pray the holy Rosary. The Rosary is one of the most powerful weapons for the spiritual warfare and one of the greatest aids in the pursuit of a fruitful spiritual life. The Rosary enables us to concentrate on what God has done for us, makes us strong and helps us to be rooted in Christ. As children of God, let us hold the hands of our Blessed Mother and as her intercession.


Change Your Heart

10-01-2023Weekly ReflectionFr. Aruldoss, Pastor

Dear People of God,

Good morning to you all. The “Kid's Bulletin” is available at the back of our Churches. Please grab a copy coming in or request a copy from the ushers when leaving the Church from weekend Mass. This Children’s bulletin contains activities so children may learn more about Sunday's Gospel.

On this twenty sixth Sunday, A theme common to all the readings is that of changing one’s heart. In the first reading of today, God through his prophet Ezekiel says that the virtuous who turn to wrongdoing face consequences, but the wicked who reform their ways will find life. This speaks of the opportunity for change and redemption.