Dear People of God,
Wishing you all a peace and joy in the Holy Names of our Jesus Christ, our Mother Mary and St. Joseph!
On this 17th Sunday of ordinary time, the liturgy of Word of God reminds us that the greatest treasure is the Kingdom of God. In his love, God himself has chosen us, and prepared it for us before time. So, it encourages us to pray for wisdom as Solomon did, to enable us discern the true value and mysteries of God’s kingdom.
READ MOREDear People of God,
Good morning to you. Again, my gratitude to all those who gave for the Inspired by the Spirit Capital Campaign. We went above and beyond our goal for all our three parishes. THANK YOU. Last weekend I was in St. Patrick Parish Mauston, WI for doing the Mission Co-op for native diocese. It was a nice experience. I was remembering and praying for you specially during the Mass.
On this 16th week in ordinary time, the first reading from the Book of Wisdom shows us a merciful and patient God. There is only one God who cares for all, exercising justice, and demonstrating might. God teaches us that power is accompanied by kindness and provides hope through the possibility of repentance.
READ MOREDear People of God,
Good morning to you all! This weekend, I miss you all because I am going to St. Patrick’s Church, Mauston Wi for the Mission Coop for my native diocese of India. Fr. Sebastian of Trempealeau is coming to do his Mission Coop in our Tri-Parishes for Tamilnadu Bishop’s Commission for Social Communication Society (Matha TV), India. All those who are able, please do support this mission appeal. On this 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time, the liturgy of word of speaks about the importance of following the word of God. In the first reading of this Sunday, the prophet Isaiah compares the Word of God to rain and snow that falls on the ground: “As the rain and snow come down from the heavens and do not return without watering the earth…so the word that goes from my mouth does not return to me empty without carrying out my will and succeeding…” this is a statement of fact and also, of assurance to those who believe, accept it with faith, and live it out in their life.
READ MOREDear People of God,
Now I remember the words of our Mother Mary with a grateful heart: “My spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on Lowly servant” (Luke 1:46). Because The Inspired by the Spirit campaign of our triparishes is successful. I could see ‘God’s wonders’ through the sacrificial donations of my Tri- parishes’ People. So first of all, I express my sincere thanks to all those who have made a pledge towards this capital campaign. A big thank to all the Chair Persons, Co-chair Persons, Capital Committee Members, Council member, Office Assistant and PCCW of our Tri-Parishes. At present, since all our three parishes have reached the target set by our Diocese, our parishes will receive 80% of the money, if you pledge more hereafter. This money will be used to do the future projects of our parishes.
READ MOREDear People of God,
Good morning to you all. I am very happy to announce to you that The Inspired by the Spirit campaign of our tri-parishes has reached the Target now. It is all because of your Extra-ordinary Sacrifice, Commitment and Prayers. My gratitude to all those who have made a pledge. Please do remember that if we exceed the goals, our parishes will receive 80% of the money back towards our Parish Projects. Pledges may be paid over a five-year period.
On this 13th Sunday, the readings call us to welcome Christ in others and they also encourage us to be sensitive to the need of one another in order to make a positive difference in their lives.
READ MOREDear People of God,
Good morning to you all. The Inspired by the Spirit campaign of our tri-parishes has reached an important milestone. It is all because of your big sacrifice, and prayers. My gratitude to all those who have made a pledge. If you have not already made one; still, you can pledge. Pledges may be paid over a five-year period. Please do remember that if we exceed the goals, our parishes will receive 80% of the money back towards our Parish Projects.
I also express my sincere thanks to all those who prayed for me, wished me and sent me cards & gifts on my Birthday (The 15th of June). It was a great day. I am so grateful for your prayer and support.
READ MOREDear People of God,
Good morning to you all! Again, thank you to everyone whose generous pledges of sacrifice have given us an incredible start towards the Inspired by the Spirit Capital campaign. By now, you might have received another Campaign remainder letter by mail. All those who have pledged already, please ignore it. Those who have not yet pledged, please do consider sending your pledges.
The readings for the 11th Sunday emphasize God’s love for His people and His desire to save them from sin and death. God’s love is demonstrated through His mercy and grace towards His people, and through His sending of Jesus Christ to die for our sins.
READ MOREDear People of God,
Blessings to you all. The Inspired by the Spirit Capital Campaign is moving right along. Thanks to all those who have pledged already. Please consider, if you have not already, making a sacrifice for this campaign. My hope is that every family makes at least a little sacrifice.
This Sunday we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi, which was proposed by St. Thomas Aquinas to Pope Urban IV, emphasizing the joy of the Eucharist being the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Having recognized the authenticity of the Eucharistic Miracle of Bolsena, in 1264, the pope, then established the feast of Corpus Christi as a Solemnity. Jesus shared table many times with his disciples. Of all the meals he shared with them, the meal that stayed in their memory more than any other was their last meal I.e. last supper.
READ MOREDear People of God,
Good morning to you. Thank you to those who have made pledges for the Capital Campaign! So far only 15 to 20 percentage of the families have submitted their pledge cards. It is actually an excellent start! This Sunday is going to be the commitment weekend for the Inspired by the Spirit Capital Campaign. So, I request other families to take this opportunity and consider, prayerfully to submit your pledges.
Today, just a week after Pentecost, the holy mother church celebrates the solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. The Trinity Sunday focuses on God as community. God is the Lover (Father), the Beloved (Son), and the Love which flows between them (Holy Spirit). The love of the Trinity makes God completely one.