
Cemetery Help

We are looking for someone who would be interested in mowing and weed eating at the St. Mary’s Cemetery this summer. Also, someone who would be interested in being a back up for funerals at the St. Mary’s Cemetery. You can contact Stephanie Foust or Connie if you have any questions on either position.

Father Meet and Greet / House Blessing

Father would like to meet families and give a house blessing. There are sheets in the back of the church that you can fill out with your name, address, and the time and date that work best for you. He is available on Wed or Thu afternoons after 2:00pm. You can also call the office to schedule a time.

Prayer Chain

Reminder that our prayer chain is still active. If you or if you know of someone that may need prayers, please contact Bernice Semling at 608-687-8530. Or if you would like to be part of this chain, she is also the person to contact. Miracles can and do happen with the help of prayer.

Upcoming Events

St. Mary's Quilters

Add Tue, Feb 11

The quilters from St. Mary's plan to meet the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. We would love you to join us whenever you can, but please check with Simone Heitman at 608-687-8239 or Jenny Schaffner at 608-687-8466 to confirm we will be quilting before you come. We notify those who come regularly when we have to cancel.

PCCW Meeting

Add Sat, Mar 8 @ 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

A Women's Retreat titled "Embracing Your Call to Holiness" on Sat, Mar 8, from 8:00am to 4:00pm at St. James the Greater Parish in Eau Claire.

For more details and registration information, please check the bulletin board.

The next meeting of the PCCW will be held on Mon, Feb 3 at 2:00pm in the Church basement. All women of the parish are automatic members and are encouraged to come and become active members of this council. No dues are required. We could use innovative ideas on how to bring young people into this organization.

Any questions, or if you want a copy of the agenda or minutes, email

K of C Omelet Breakfasts

Add Sun, Mar 9 - Sun, Apr 13 @ 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

The Knights of Columbus Omelet and French toast breakfast will be starting on Jan 12 at the Immaculate Conception Parish Life Center from 8:00am to noon. Please come and support the Knights of Columbus and all the good things they do.

Mark your calendars for all the breakfasts—Feb 9, Mar 9, and Apr 13. There are Save the Date cards in each pew and in the back of the church.