
"Down by the River" Podcast

This is a new podcast hosted by our vocation team—Father Nate Kuhn and Andrew Brueggen. The discussions are lively, and the topics are holy. This is a perfect thing to share in your parish bulletin, via Flocknote, or on a bulletin board because it provides your parishioners with another way to connect with the Faith and each other. The most recent video/podcast explores Catholic Schools. Check it out!

Catholic Schools Part1 - Down by the River

Calling all couples who are celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary in 2025 or 2026

Every year we are honored to do something special for couples who are celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Each couple receives a packet and certificate, as well as an invitation to attend one of three celebrations that include Mass with the Bishop followed by a dinner. We use the information provided by your parish’s records to know where to send the packets and invitations. We are preparing for the anniversaries happening in 2025 and would like to get a head start on the 2026 anniversaries as well. Please contact your parish office to ensure your wedding date is listed in the parish’s records.

Cemetery Help

We are looking for someone who would be interested in mowing and weed eating at the St. Mary’s Cemetery this summer. Also, someone who would be interested in being a back up for funerals at the St. Mary’s Cemetery. You can contact Stephanie Foust or Connie if you have any questions on either position.

Father Meet and Greet / House Blessing

Father would like to meet families and give a house blessing. There are sheets in the back of the church that you can fill out with your name, address, and the time and date that work best for you. He is available on Wed or Thu afternoons after 2:00pm. You can also call the office to schedule a time.

Married Couples Looking for a New Year’s Resolution?

Why not make a commitment to do something to improve your marriage—like making a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend? The upcoming weekend dates are Apr 25-27 in Epworth, IA, and Sep 12-14 in Dubuque, IA.

For more information, call Denise and Greg at 563-608-3305, or register at

PCCW Luncheon and Auction

St. Boniface ladies, please bring an item for the auction, which may include baked goods, handmade items, or baskets of any kind (cooking, wine, family time, sports, gardening, etc.). Items can be dropped off at St. Boniface anytime between 8:00am-5:00pm and left on the table in the hallway or brought on the day of the auction. Baked items should be dropped off the day before or on the day of the auction.

Prayer Chain

Reminder that our prayer chain is still active. If you or if you know of someone that may need prayers, please contact Bernice Semling at 608-687-8530. Or if you would like to be part of this chain, she is also the person to contact. Miracles can and do happen with the help of prayer.

Scrip Cards

We are cleaning our SCRIP cards that we have on hand. There is a list of cards available on the board in the back of the church. If you are interested in purchasing any of the cards, please get ahold of Connie in the office at 608-626-2611 or 608-687-8418.

The Rosary in a Year Podcast: Renew Your Prayer

On January 1st, Father Mark-Mary Ames is launching The Rosary in a Year podcast with Ascension Press! You are most welcome to join for FREE as an opportunity to deepen your relationship with Christ and the Blessed Virgin as you understand the beauty and significance of the rosary. This will be a 10-minute daily podcast to hear about the basics, what it means to have a relationship with Jesus and Mary, the meaning of the prayers, understand better the different mysteries and how to meditate on the life of Christ to encounter Him. Download the prayer plan at

Upcoming Events


Add Tue, Feb 11 @ 6:15 PM

The St. Boniface Parish Cemetery is looking to add a couple of new faces to our cemetery committee. This committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Finance Council regarding the care and practice of the parish cemetery. The St. Boniface Cemetery committee is excited about completing some much-needed digital format updating of our cemetery data on a laptop computer purchased by our cemetery association.

We meet 3 to 4 times a year, depending on the need. Our next meeting is on Feb 11 at 6:15pm in the Rippley Social Hall. Please reach out to any committee member: Fr. Albert, Tom Bagniewski, Jenny Ellis, Gerry Mueller, LaVerne Pronschinske, Allan Wolfe, or Connie at the parish office.